Why is Retina Important for Eyes?

Our eyes facilitate us in seeing and comprehending the world. Our retina helps in creating pictures. The retina is a very special part of our body. It is one of the few places where one can visualize the blood vessels noninvasively. The retina is a part of the brain. The retina is the innermost layer of the eye. It is a thin membranous structure. So, a healthy retina is essential for good vision.

Some Symptoms of Retina Disorders:

Some common retina disorders symptoms that the doctor of retina hospital Salt Lake in Kolkata says:

  • You begin seeing flashy pictures before your eyes.
  • You begin seeing floaters before your vision.
  • Your vision starts getting blurred.
  • You start seeing a parted vision.
  • You start seeing black spots on objects.
  • You may also lose your complete vision.

Risk Factors of Retinal Diseases:

  1. Ageing:

Aging can be a giant factor in retinal diseases. As you start ageing, your retina becomes weak, and sometimes it gets detached or torn.

  1. Diabetes:

Diabetes creates a severe impact on the retina. However, people assume that diabetes solely has its side effects on the liver, lungs, and kidneys; however, it is wrong.

  1. Eye Trauma:

When playing or doing some work, our eyes get hit by something hard, and we think that effect solely comes on the outer side of the eyes; however, sometimes, in that case, our retina gets detached or torn.

  1. Family History of Retinal Diseases:

Family plays a vital role in retina diseases. Whenever our father, mother, or other members of the family has retinal diseases, then there will be a possibility that you get the same disease from them. Therefore, it is concluded by the best child eye specialist doctor in Kolkata that taking care of these children is very necessary because there are chances that they can get a similar disease.

Common Retina Disorders:

  • Retinal Detachment: A retinal detachment is a serious eye problem that can cause many problems. It occurs when the retina detaches from the outer layer and can even lead to blindness.
  • Retinal Tear: Retinal tear occurs when the retina gets torn. A tear can be small or long, if the damage is small, it doesn't cause that much problem, but if the damage is large, it can lead to vision loss.
  • Vitreous Humor: Vitreous Humor is a gel-like substance that fills the space between the lens and the retina. If vitreous humour gets detached, it can create a shadow on the retina, which can cause floaters or shadows on images.
  • Macular Hole: When the retina gets damaged, it creates a hole on its surface which can cause several eye injuries like flashy images, floaters, shadow on images, partial vision, black spots, and other symptoms.

Things You Can Do At Home To Improve Retina Health:

  • Eat Eye-Healthy Food: Not only medication but eating healthy can majorly improve your health. It would help if you started eating green leafy vegetables, carrots, pumpkin, vitamin A&B, zinc, omega3, fatty acids, and citrus fruits.
  • Less Screen Time: Mobile, laptops, and television screen radiation can seriously damage your retina. So, you should avoid using these as much as possible.
  • Blink Frequently: Not blinking your eyes can cause pressure on your retina, which can cause tears or retina detachment. So, to avoid that, you should blink your eyes frequently.
  • Relaxation: Everything needs relaxation, be it your body or your eyes. We usually don't provide relief to our eyes and keep them for a long while. So, when you aren't doing anything, could you close your eyes and relax them?
  • Eyes Exercise: Eyes exercise is very beneficial for retina health. There are several eyes exercises available on the internet which you can see and use to improve your eyes condition.


Retina hospital in Salt Lake Kolkata is one of the few medical hospitals that provide treatment for retina diseases through artificial intelligence. In addition, these hospitals have the best child eye specialist in Kolkata, whose major effort is developing computer algorithms that can help diagnose retinal diseases.


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